"An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away" is a Fact or Fiction?

Do you know that An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away is a fact or fiction?

What is the Fact about Apple?

We often heard the famous health expression, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away,” along with common health-related myths which often sound like good advice for us. It is repeated as fact, but people just take this health expression to be true. Thus I want to make it easier for people to understand the medical myth through this article. 

Everyone was familiar with an expression that, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” but no one knows that it is a fact or just a fiction. I am trying to give you enough information in this article to clarify the answer of all questions which is related to this expression.


Quotes about Apple

Many studies show that this was based on the Pembrokeshire proverb originated in 1866 and first of all coined in 1913. Notes and queries was the first magazine which published this quote but in its original form such as “Eat an apple on going to bed, and you’ll keep the doctor from earning his bread.”

Many people give you the opinion and tell you that an apple a day doesn’t keep technically the doctor away, so why this expression still exist? The answer is that, the meaning of this phrase is actually eating lots of fruits and vegetables everyday gives you lots of health benefits. Fresh fruits and vegetables keep our body strong and energetic because it contains vitamins, minerals, protein which strengthen our immune system and keep us healthy.

Organic Apple

Many health experts say that Apples are a nutritional powerhouse, because they are rich from fiber, a good source of potassium, B6 and loaded with vitamin C. Many studies prefer eating organic apples because it is free from pesticide and chemical. Organic apples are grown by natural process using animal manure and natural process of production.


The taste of organic apples is better as compared to non organic apples this is due to using the natural ways that how and when the fruit is harvested during their lifecycle. Organic apples are affordable in winter season.


It is healthy, has low sugar and high-fiber in comparison to other fruits. The green and tart version of apples are naturally high in fiber content and low in sugar which keep us fuller longer without the addition of sugar crash.

Health Benefits of Apple

Really an apple keeps the pharmacist away?

In this article we take a closer look on the benefits of apples whether an apple a day really helps in keeping the doctor away. The answer is, eating more apples not literally associated with fewer visits to the doctor, they are rich in nutrient that’s why it offers several benefits for disease prevention and long-term health. According to a well rounded diet plan, if you want a best result regarding to your health enjoy a variety of fruits and vegetables as part of  nutritious diet.


Ann Arbor in the University of Michigan School of Nursing researcher believes in such type of medical proverbs because this gives us an empirical evaluation which “may allow us to profit from the wisdom of our predecessors.”


A study measure by Matthew Davis, PhD, and co-authors evaluated an outcome of “keeping the doctor away “by investigating the proverb’s success in daily apple eaters compared with non-apple eaters. They reach on the results that this proverbs doesn’t means that no visit to a doctor.


It means that a daily apple eater gives statistically meaningful difference in visits to the doctor as compared to non apple eaters. Because apple contains a lot of health benefits which helps us in keeping the pharmacist away and it could help us by promoting long-term health.

Nutritional contents of apple

We know that apple are highly nutritious and contain important nutrient such as vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants. One medium apple weighting around 182 g provides the following nutrients. This table is according to the “Dietary Guidelines for Americans” it show the amount of nutrient which is needed by adults according to their daily requirements.

Nutrient found in apple

Amount in 1 apple

Daily adult requirement

Carbohydrate (g)

25.5, incl sugar 18.9 g


Fiber (g)



Magnesium (mg)



Potassium (mg)






Beta-carotene (mcg)


No data

Lutein and zeaxanthin (mcg)


No data

Vitamin K (mcg)



Vitamin C (mg)



Folate (micrograms [mcg])



Calcium (milligrams [mg])



Phosphorus (mg)




94.7 calories



Apple Interesting Facts to chew on!

Apple Interesting Facts to chew on

Studies show that apple is famous as a “nature’s toothbrush” because it prevent us from tooth decay. Chewing an apple contain interesting  fact related to our health because apple is high in fiber and mildly acidic in nature.


Due to this fact apple is able to stimulate saliva which in turn rinse the teeth from excess sugar and kill all the pathogenic microbes that is lurking in the mouth. Eating an apple reduces the sugar craving and also enhances the way to healthier eating habits.


Some people use apple juice instead of eating apples but they don’t know that how much eating an apple is good for health as compared to juice. The health benefits of drinking an apple juice is not equal to eating fresh apple because it lack the fiber content and a large portion of nutrients which are removed from the skin of the fruits. 


Do you know how to eat an apple?
The Cornell's Food Science and Toxicology Department in Ithaca, N.Y. researcher found that the antioxidant properties of one fresh apple is equal to almost 1500 mg of vitamins c.  

Their researcher suggested that phytochemicals, which is the combination of plant chemicals mainly found in the skin of the apple and provide the bulk benefits of anticancer and antioxidant properties. They have done many experiments on the skin of the apple and found that it contains lots of benefits as compared to peeled apple.


is it better to eat an apple with or without the skin?

Which apple is good, Peeled or un-peeled apple?

Many people wonder and think that whether it’s actually healthier to eat apple peels or not, especially thinking about the amount of pesticides and toxins which is lurking on their surface. If you are also that kind of person who think and like to peel their apple, then it might be worth knowing the health benefits you could be missing Because Apples carry most of their nutrients in their skin.


According to study in USDA National Nutrient Database, one unpeeled apple of medium size contains almost double amount of fiber, 40% more vitamin A, and 25% more potassium. Apple skin also rich from several well known nutritional compounds, such as pectins, polyphenols, which are good for our body.


One research was done by the Liu and their colleagues on the benefits of peeled and unpeeled apple. They use the colon cancer cell by treating it with the extract of apple with skin. They reach on the result that the extract (50 mg) of apple from the skin decreases the cancer cell growth by 43%, while the same amount of extract from the peeled apple decreases the cancer cell growth by 29%.


Likewise the same experiment is done with the liver cancer cell. Extract of apple with the skin decreases the liver cancer cell growth by 57% as compared to that cancer cell which is treated with the extract of peeled apple, because it decreases the liver cancer cell growth by 40%.


From all these experiments “Liu prove” that an apple could have hundreds of phytochemicals because no single compound has been proven to have a protective effect by itself. So the combination in fruits and vegetables are the best thing for good health, always eat unpeeled apple because it is loaded with many essential nutrients.

Different types of apples

We know that apple is a popular fruit and ranking in the list of top three fruits which is produced around the world. Apple is easy to store and available year-around any where especially in US. We know that apples are a good source of soluble and insoluble fiber and they are available in different types, thus some popular verities of apple are as follows:

Different types of apples

Red delicious apple: It is a red, crispy, and juicy type of apple.

Granny smith apple: It is a greenish sharp flavor apple, which is flashy and green crispy apple.

Fuji apple: It is a green and yellow apple with firm and sweet flesh.

Golden delicious apple: It is a yellow, mild and sweet flavor type of apple.

McIntosh apple: It is a red, juicy, white flesh and tangy flavor apple with tender.

How to store apples for long time? 

The ideal temperature for storing an apple is 30 to 35 degrees F and also need 90 to 95 percent humidity. If you have a lot of apples keep them in plastic bags with holes in it in the crisper drawer in the refrigerator. You also cover the apples with damp paper towel for remaining fresh for at least 1-2 months.


How to store apples for long time

We know that apples are climacteric fruits and are ripen after harvesting due to the emission of gas known as ethylene. If we keep the apple in cold temperature they slow down the ethylene production.

Do not store them at room temperature because the enzymes and the ethylene gas in apples quickly ripening them and the texture also changed in very short time. 

How to serve apples?

Apples can be eaten as raw, as applesauce, baked, in pastries, in cakes, chopped in salads, in pies, dried in slices, in curies, in smoothies and as a juice. We know that there are at least dozen types of apple which are found nowadays some of them are best for cooking and baking while others are good for enjoying raw in snaking. We have some fun ways of eating apples with joy such as:

How to serve apples
1. We can enjoy apple by simply cutting it into thin slices and spread it on nut or seed butter.

2. When apple slices pairing with thin slices of cheddar cheese it gives a sweet, crunchy, salty and creamy taste.

3. Fennel, endive, and apple salad: Cut two apples, one bulb of fennel and three small endives into thin small pieces and squeeze a lemon on it. Add some salt, olive oil and peeper for better taste and the chopped pecans gives the additional crunch in salad.

4. Waldorf salad: Chop two apple into small pieces, 1 rib of slice celery, ¼ cup of raisins, half cup of walnuts, and sprinkle some lemon juice on it. For dressing combine half cup of yogurt, 1 to 2 tablespoons mayonnaise, and a pinch of peeper stir well, mixed with apple mixture and enjoy the Waldorf salad any time.

5. Oven-baked apple chips: make very thinly slices of apple with the help of mandolin, sprinkle cinnamon, and now place these slices on parchment paper and baked it for one hour at 225 degrees F. flip the slices and bake more for 1 hour until they becomes dry but do not use high temperature because it burns the apple.

6. Apple sandwich: remove the seeds from the center of an apple with the help of corer and make half inch thick slices of apple. Now take one slice of apple and spread seed butter and granola on it, now place another slice on the top and enjoy the yummy and crunchy apple sandwich.

Health benefits of apples

What is the Health Benefits of Apple.

Apples are a popular fruit which contain vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, dietary fiber, and a huge range of other nutrients. They prevent us from many health issues due to their varied nutrient content.

They are rich in quercetin, a natural occurring plant chemical which contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects and pectin, a type of soluble fiber which help to prevent constipation and lowering the bad cholesterol level in our body known as “LDL”.

Studies show that fresh and whole apple contain more nutrients as compared to unpeeled apple because when we removes the skin it contain fiber and majority of flavoniods. Whenever we dehydrate the apples vitamins C is removed because it is prominently found in the flesh of the apple.

From all these overall researches we concluded that it is a fact that by adding apples in a diet prevents us from many health disorders because it contain many essential nutrient which is helpful against many diseases. Here the studies below looking on the health effects of apples when we include it in our daily diet plan over time and also examined the specific effects of phytochemical in apples.

Cardiovascular health: studies show that the plant chemical which is particularly found in the peel of the apple when combine with pectin fiber protect the free radical from damage in the heart and blood vessels and lowering the cholesterol levels. 

What is the Health Benefits of Apple

Apple contain soluble fiber which is helpful in lowering the blood cholesterol level and also contain flavonoid epicatechin a type of polyphenols helpful in lowering the blood pressure. A study show that flavonoids linked to lower 20% risk of stroke, acting as antioxidant, and reducing the bad “LDL” oxidation.

Weight control: Apples are rich in fiber and water, these two qualities make it unique from the other fruits. The fiber in apple slows down the digestion and gives greater satisfaction after eating.

Researches show that the high intake of fiber-rich fruits such as apple low the glycemic load which associated with the least amount of weight gain over time. When we eat the low glycemic load food it produces the small spikes in the blood sugar which lessen hunger and prevent overeating.

Type 2 diabetes: Many studies show that eating apples linked to lower 28% risk of type 2 diabetes because apples are rich from flayonoids which protect the cell damage in the pancreases. The polyphenol in apples prevent the tissue damage of beta cells in the pancreases and the beta cells in our body produce the insulin cells which often damage in people suffering from type 2 diabetes.

Cancer: Many studies show that antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of apple may be responsible for the cancer-preventive effects and lower the rates of death from cancer. These phytochemicals which is found in apples protect the cell’s DNA from oxidative damage and also prevent the growth of new cancer cells and spreads of existing cancer cells.


From all these above information related to eating apples daily prove that it is a fact that people say “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”.

Did you know the difference between apple cider and apple juice?

Apple Cider and Juice
 Apple juice:

Apple juice is filtered to remove the entire solid particle and pasteurized them for keeping fresh for longer time. We know that apple juice has uniform sweet flavor because the tart and bitter taste of flayonoids in apple are removed and some sugar is added for sweet taste.

Apple cider:

Apple cider is not filtered and it is sold either in pasteurized or unpasteurized form because it contains pulp and sediment so it appears as cloudy. It is produced when raw apples are pressed and mashed for extracting the liquid. Apple cider is acidic because it contains more flayonoids as compared to apple juice.

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