EXERCISE and weight loss.

in the conteXT of good health and fitness.


Today there is more confusion about priority of diet and exercise for good health, among more people. There is no doubt good health comes with fitness and diet.

Today you will find out the relationship between fitness, diet and weight loss.  You will find out, how you can strengthen the bond between diet and exercise.

I listen from my friends and found many people thinking should "they exercise, so they can eat anything they want" or "they eat healthy, so they don't need to exercise? That way of thinking can lead to unexpected weight gain and unhealthy habits.

We are no longer as active as we once were, as a society. Among more of us years ago, our elder like grandfather, grandmother they usually worked hard and were physically active. They often ate primarily what they grew, or other local based (nearby villages and towns) grown food, the food menu was not so full like today.

But, the foods they ate was pure organic, like wheat, rice, milk, butter, beans, Poultry and meat. The food ingredients were grown naturally and the cows, hens were also feed organically. There active lifestyle and organic eating were their secrets of their healthy life. 

But in today’s technologically advanced world, 85% food ingredients are grown in non-organic way. In the result of this, more of our plant base food ingredients are genetically modified or synthetic pesticides and herbicides are used. 

Advanced technology like IT facilitates our life. But misuse of technology may result in unpleasant consequences. Like using of computer, mobile and other devices up to midnight, that turn us to sedentary lifestyle. Thus both are important to integrate regular exercise and healthy food choices into our daily lives. 

Fitness Tips Forever.


I'm sure usually you've heard the saying "you cannot out exercise/run a bad diet" and usually it's true. It may not take more than a minutes to consume hundreds of calories that takes hours to burn off (it takes about 40-45 minutes of walking to burn off 150-calories). Exercise is likely the key of success! When we look at people who have lost weight and now they are managing to keep it off.

Exercise helps you lose weight by burning mostly fat, but diet may alone won't do that. Because muscles takes up less space than fat, exercise will help your cloths fit better. Also exercise helps boost your metabolism, meaning you burn more calories all the day long.

Research’s shows that you don't have to hit the gym for hours and hours at a time to see the benefits of exercise but you should shorter the sessions up to 10 minutes for two or three times per day. The moderate-intensity activity have similar health benefits as longer sessions at the gym and adding variety to your exercise routine which will help you stay motivated, not get bored to see the result.

Exercise make your heart stronger by pumping more blood with each heartbeat. This delivers more oxygen to your body! With more oxygen, your body can functions more efficiently.

Exercise can lower blood pressure, reduces your risk of heart disease and also the levels of LDL “bad cholesterol”. Bad cholesterol build up in your arteries and form fatty, waxy deposits called plaques. The over time of this can cause damage to your arteries, contribute to heart diseases and even increase your risk for a stroke. At the same time, exercise can raise your good cholesterol level and good cholesterol help to protect your heart against a heart attack.

What is the best type of exercise?

There are many type of exercises, but if you are searching for all natural way to lift your mood, preserve muscle tone and protect your brain against the declination that comes with aging than aerobic exercise and strength training are the best. During aerobic exercise your heart is pumping faster, in the result! Your lungs breathe deeper and deliver more oxygen through your small blood vessels to your muscles. Strength training can helps keep aging muscles from dwindling over time.  


Usually, they don’t require any expensive equipment or any expensive classes.

Aerobic exercise or cardio helps pump more blood with each heartbeat, in the result it delivers more oxygen to your body. This process make your body to function more efficiently.  Few basic examples of aerobic or cardio exercise are walking, jogging, running, swimming and bicycling.

Strength-training moves for preserving muscles from age-related declination. It can take many forms, like bench press, pull up’s, and Squats etc. But, most of the experts advise to Strength-training moves like tai chi. It involves a series of movements, that performed slowly and gently, with a high degree of focus and attention paid to breathing deeply.


Usually question is! How much exercise do I need?

If you haven’t been exercising, but thinking to start! try to work to 30 or 40 minutes, may 4 to 6 times a week. If you have any health issues, discuses with your doctor, may he recommend a different exercises based to your health condition.

There are some tips to fit exercise in your busy schedule.

1.  Take the stairs instead of the elevator.

2.  Walk during tea break or lunch.

3.  Try to walk more briskly.




Best weight loss foods and Tips.


May you've heard the saying “you are what you eat”. When it’s come to diet, your diet choices can affect your weight, hormones and the health of your organs, decrease or increase the effects of aging, improves your brain health and specially your heart.  Eating a healthy and well balance diet can help you get the right calories and nutrients you need for your daily tasks, including exercise. Try to keep your heart healthy by making healthy food choices.  


What are the healthy eating or well-balanced diet?

Healthy eating means eating a various food, that give you the nutrients to keep you healthy, feel good and have strength. It’s not about strictly restrictions but about the healthy eating choices.  The basic of healthy eating is organic food and nutrients include protein, calcium, carbohydrates, fiber, fats, vitamins and minerals.  Read More


What is meant by organic? Or organic food?

Many people are not aware about the unhealthy effect of eating non-organic food. The issue with non-organic food is! They are grown in conventional way, Such as using of chemical herbicides, pesticides and other method like bio-engineering. In the result of this chemical use during farming! It increases the risk of many diseases and even! If we have some health issues it make them worst. In case of organic food farming! There is simple water, air, and seed. Eat organic food instead of non-organic food, because non-organic food contains toxins. Eat organic food and keep you in touch with natural. Read More



provides energy and supports your mood. It is an important nutrient that is needed to build, maintain and repair the body tissues, cells and organs. But too much can be harmful to those with kidney or diabetes. By eating the right amount and a good quality protein you can maintain skin, hair and nail health, and build muscles. Read More


High-quality or good protein sources

Organic Poultry:  like organic chicken and turkey.

Fish: including salmon, sardines, sablefish and herring.

Dairy products, Such as organic milk, cheese, and yoghurt. Beansorganic beans and peas. Organic tofu and soy.  



Usually, when we think about fats, the first thing come in our mind is that, eating fat will link us to weight gain, raise bad cholesterol.


But, it’s not true at all. There are two types of fats, the one is good and other is bad.


Actually fat is a type of nutrient and source of energy, which human body needs to absorb vitamins and protect your heart and brain health.

The use of bad fats, may link to weight gain and increase your bad cholesterol, It depends on how much is your daily use.

The use of good fats, is playing a positive role regarding to our health. It help us to manage good mood, fight fatigue, increase good cholesterol and even control our weight.  Read More


Sources of good fats

Olive oil, canola oil, peanut oil, and macadamia nut oil.

Cashew nut, macadamia nut, hazelnuts and almonds

Sunflower, sesame, pumpkin seeds, flaxseed and walnuts.

Fishes like, salmon, tuna, and mackerel.




Fiber is plant-based and is basically associated with digestive health and body functions. But the reality is consuming a high fiber dietary can do so much more than keeping you regular, it passes through the body undigested. Keep digestive system clean and healthy, make easing bowel movements, and flushing the extra cholesterol and harmful carcinogens out of the body. It can lower risk for heart disease, stroke and diabetes, even help in losing weight. Read More


Good sources of fiber

Barley, oatmeal, beans, nuts, or fruits such as apples, berries, citrus fruits, and pears.



Calcium is one of the important nutrient in our diet. Every cell in our body use calcium, including nervous system, muscles and even heart. Our body use calcium to build strong bones and teeth.

If you don’t get enough calcium in your diet, in the result your body will take it from your bones to ensure the normal functioning of cell, which can be link you to Osteoporosis disease. Osteoporosis is a “silent” disease, in the case of osteoporosis our body loss bone mass. Sometime calcium deficiency can lead you to grumpy, anxiety, depression, and sleeping issues. Read More


Good sources of calcium

Dairy products like milk, cheese, yogurt and, dark green leafy vegetables such as broccoli, kale, cabbage and watercress.



The basic function of carbohydrates is to provide energy to your body. There are two type of carbs, one is simple carbs and the other is called complex carbs.

Simple carbs are quickly absorbable in the body which leads to spikes blood sugar. Simple carbs are often found in table sugar, cakes and soda.

While complex carbs absorbs by the body more slowly than simple carbs. That’s why complex carbs have less of a hit on blood sugar. For example Whole grains, Yogurt, Beans, Peas, Fruits and veggies. Read More in detail

Weight loss Tips


Overweight and obesity are linked to, increase blood cholesterol, high blood pressure, atherosclerosis (it the heart disease in which your heart arteries get narrow), even lead stroke and type 2 diabetes.

As we think about weight loss, we start thinking about it strictly to restrict on calories too much, in the result we often lose lean body mass but the desire is not loss of lean body mass, because it weakens and affect the muscles and also slows down metabolism.

What we eat matters, when it comes to weight loss. It is important to restrict calories to lose weight. All calories are not created equal but calories that from sugar promotes fat storage and hunger. If we try to satisfy our hunger with some candy later in a short time we get will hungry and eat more. Usually the calories that get from fat and protein help you feel full longer.

Usually, we make a wrong decision about breakfast, It look like a simple way to cut down on calories by skipping breakfast. But in reality its make us more hungry during the day time. In the result some time we can’t control and eat unplanned snack or other heavy calories diet but if we get breakfast, that are high in protein and fiber! it will keep us long time fill full.


During weight loss, not drinking enough water is one of the common mistake that more people don’t know. Water is important for burning calories. If you get dehydrate, your metabolism will be slow down, in the result the weight loss process will be slow down.


Obesity symptoms

Breathlessness, increased sweating, snoring, feeling tired every time.


The best way to maintain healthy body weight is! To choose healthy food, eat in moderate and keep active your body by daily exercise. Which is good for your physically and mentally healthy.


How to choose healthy diet for weight loss?

     1.  Try to get food from plant sources like fruits and vegetables.

2.  Replace processed food with unprocessed.

3.  Replace fried chicken with grilled turkey or chicken and remove the skin.

4.  Skip out some of the red meat you eat! Replace with fish.

5.  Use extra virgin olive oil rather than butter.

6.  Prepare your own healthy salad dressings with olive, flaxseed, and sesame oils.  Because, commercial salad dressings are usually high in unhealthy fat or may added sugar.

7.  Try barley, oatmeal, beans, nuts, and fruits such as apples, berries, citrus fruits, and pears, as they are high in soluble-fiber. It will keep you full fill longer.

8.  Try to cut down on sweet snacks like candy, chocolate, and cakes. Eat fruit, peppers, or natural peanut butter to satisfy your sweet tooth.

9.  Artificial sweetener can trigger sugar cravings that link to weight gain. Try to avoid sugary drinks even they have diet versions. Replace soda with fresh fruit juice.

10.  Choose skimmed or low fat milk, and yogurt. 



Organic Food
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Balance is key as you settle into an active lifestyle, so the best way to lose weight, for long term benefits is the combination of healthy diet and exercise. That led you to physical and mentally healthy life.


But, beware before trying to lose weight! Discuses with your doctor or nutrition he will advise you good diet and exercise plan about your health condition.

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 Health Benefits of organic Food    


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