Can Lentils and Beans Replace Meat Permanently?


Can Lentils and Beans Replace Meat Permanently?

A recent plummet in the trend of consumption of meat can be observed all around; with people shifting their meal plans from animal-based proteins to plant-based proteins. With this current trend of meat reduction, a well-raised question also comes in mind: can lentil and beans replace meat permanently?


Lentils and Beans

Meat Consumption:

Meat is a great source of minerals, proteins and nutrients that are essential to a healthy diet and lifestyle, but a lot of people deem it unhealthy and unnecessary, not to mention—unethical. While a few studies have linked meat consumptions with an increased risk of health issues, other proved it to be neutral and even beneficial for bone health, metabolism and mineral absorption. However, improperly cooked and processed meat can have negative effects on health.



The objection to meat consumption is the killing and breeding of animals just for food. Most of the farms are industrialized with less natural environment for animals to live in. Livestock and poultry are kept and bred for the sole purpose of meeting meat intake requirements. It is considered unethical and inhumane by many, although not all. It is also said to be unnecessary when the health benefits of meat can  also be obtained by a plant-based nutritious diet, like one including lentils and beans.


High in proteins:

Properly balanced plant-based diets provide almost the same nutrition of meat. It is a source of healthy intake of minerals and fibers. Among plant-based foods, lentils and beans provide a great alternative to consuming meat. They are high in proteins. They also come in a wide range of varieties and can be cooked and enjoyed through a long list of recipes. Almost all culture cook beans and lentils in their own specific ways, coupled with their own recipes, spices and traditions. A plant-based diet also helps us to lower our cholesterol, fats and lipid acids intake and can eventually prove great in weight reduction.


Amino acids:

Meat, however, is a source of amino acids. The necessary intake of amino acids can be fulfilled by plant-based foods, but the meat still remains its major source. It is also a great source of carbohydrates, lipids and fats necessary to maintain a healthy and long life. Consumption of meat results in a decreased appetite and increased metabolism. It is good for muscle retention and bone strength.


Social ties:

Meat also has many cultural, traditional, and even religious ties. In some cultures, meat is considered to be sacred and it's looked down, and even considered sinful, to consume the meat. In others, however, it’s incorporated in their religion and rituals. It's a part of traditional food in many regions and most of the traditional recipes include the meat of various kinds.

In fact, in the past decades, there has been a gradual and consistent rise in the global demand for meat. In the past, and even now, meat has always been considered as part of healthy nutritional, and a rich diet. It is tasty and satiable. And that has increased demand led to the industrialization of farms in the first place.


Animal abuse:

Many biological techniques were employed to increase production and meet the criteria that increased demand. The increased demand led to increased production, which in turn, led to the inhumane handling of animals. Most of the factory farms are overcrowded. They don’t have a proper environment for animals to live where they can get sufficient exercise and sunlight. Animals are also given antibiotics and hormonal injections which affects the quality of the meat. In addition to all these unethical behaviours, high meat demand also leads to many environmental issues and climate change. It is owing to the high demand for animal food, and the waste products resulting from increased slaughtering.



For the above reasons, many people chose not to eat meat. They replace meat products with vegetarian diets and meet their bodies’ required nutritional demands. This trend has been spread wide and far enough, and a conscious choice of replacing meat with products like lentils and beans are being made.


However, in the end, it’s impossible to say whether beans and lentils can replace meat permanently or not. Eating is a personal choice and it varies from a person to person on the basis of their personal preferences and surroundings.


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