Intermittent Fasting


How to do intermittent fasting?

Globally, trend of doing intermittent fasting (IF) nowadays is increasing to improve health and body fitness. Mostly, to lose weight and to simplify their lifestyle, people use this technique. Studies show that it leaves powerful impacts on the body as well as brain of people which can help them to have longer life span.

What is intermittent fasting?

What is intermittent fasting? It’s not a diet, rather it can be define as a timed-approach to eating. It has some benefits on health as: it helps in losing weight but vary from person to person. Sometimes, this term is confused with fasting but it is completely different from that. It has no standard duration like of fasting. Whenever you’re in the state of not eating, you’re doing intermittent fasting. For instance, when you don’t eat anything after dinner till breakfast, about 10-12 hours. So, you can take intermittent fasting as part of your routine life.

At its roots, it is a technique which instead of taking more food for energy, let your body to use stored one such as by burning off extra body fat. It is worthy to note here that it is normal without any harmful effects on body because humans have built-in ability to fast for short time periods (like for hours and days). Body fat is simply the stored energy in your body. Your body will start eating its own fat (stored energy) when you are in fasting state.

Some supposed health benefits of "IF" include:

  • ·       Weight-loss
  • ·       Burning off extra body fat
  • ·       Maintenance of blood sugar levels and insulin
  • ·       Possibly, help in reversal of diabetes type II
  • ·       Improve mental ability and concentration
  • ·       Increase energy
  • ·       Probable increase of growth hormones (for short term)
  • ·       Improve blood cholesterol level
  • ·       Help in living longer life
  • ·       By autophagy, may help in activation of cellular cleansing
  • ·       Reduce inflammation

As it is not a suitable choice for everyone. You should avoid intermittent fasting if you’re:

  • ·   Underweight (having body mass index (BMI) below 18.5) or having any eating disorder as anorexia.
  • ·  Pregnant and Breastfeeding (because you need more nutrients for your child to develop and grow properly).
  • ·       A child under 18 (you need more nutrients for growth).

Under medical supervision, you can do fast, in the following conditions:

  • If you’ve diabetes mellitus (Type I and II both).
  • If you’re taking any prescription medication.
  • If you’ve high uric acid or gout.
  • If you suffer in serious health diseases like cardiovascular, kidney and liver diseases

Intermittent fasting cannot recommend to anyone. It’s one of the lifestyle strategies to improve health status. Eating healthy food, exercising, and taking sound and proper sleep are more important factors yet to be focus on.

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