Causes of malnutrition

Malnutrition is the lack of adequate nutrients in a person's diet that may lead to fatigue, anaemia, brain fog and so on. This is a very serious condition which may be induced by an improper diet that does not meet the daily nutritional requirements or an internal problem related to nutrient absorption. Its symptoms include unplanned weight loss, irritability, brittle nails, dizziness, persistent diarrhoea and delayed wound healing. Read on to see, what causes malnutrition?

 Definition of malnutrition.

 Physical Problems:

Lesions and painful teeth can create difficulty in eating while dysphagia is the difficulty in swallowing. All of these contribute to an uncomfortable eating experience which discourages the patient to eat enough. Improperly chewed food is also harder to digest, lowering the absorption efficiency. Moreover, people suffering from physical problems may replace nutrient rich food with softer items to decrease their pain. Thus, they get too much of one nutrient and too little of the other.


Mental Health Problems:

One of the major causes of malnutrition includes mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, chronic stress or schizophrenia. Depressed people often face a loss of appetite, and thus, eat little to no food, putting themselves at a higher risk of malnutrition. Their body fails to get the elements it needs to work properly and might worsen the mental illness.


Social Problems:

People who struggle financially, or live too far away from the grocery store often resort to cheaper, low-quality food. In fact, some people are just too lazy to cook a meal or don't know how to, therefore, they order junk food and depend on instant snacks such as noodles. If a person lives alone and has difficulty cooking, he or she will probably end up with an improper diet. Poverty also contributes to malnutrition since the poor do not receive frequent and adequate nutrients regularly.



Excessive alcohol can damage liver and pancrease, two essential organs which play an important role in food absorption. The body fails to produce hormones that regulate metabolism, absorb minerals and vitamins and digest food. Moreover, alcohol makes people feel full, creating a barrier to hunger, and they may feel like they don't need to eat anything else. This low food intake leads to malnutrition.


Chronic Eating Disorders:

Bulimia and anorexia nervosa are the main culprits of malnutrition which drastically affect a person's mental and physical health. These disorders either compel a patient to eat too much and purge, or eat too little due to an intense fear of weight gain. Such patients may eat fewer and unhealthier calories which can seriously affect their overall health and fitness. Patients with anorexia usually count their calories, restrict themselves to an insufficient limit, while patients of bulimia eat uncontrollably and then purge to get rid of the calories. This behaviour often causes malnutrition in the worst way possible.


Insufficient Diet:

Malnutrition can occur in those who have obesity, because it is not related to weight but nutritional intake. Those who have a high calorie diet are not necessarily eating healthy food, so they might also suffer from malnutrition. Furthermore, people who do not eat vegetable and fruits are most likely to suffer from a few mineral and vitamin deficiencies. Eating too many carbohydrates and too little protein can not only increase fat, but also decrease metabolism and body strength.


Cultural Factors:

Yes, culture can also cause malnutrition in the sense that people refuse to follow preventive or cautionary measures due to their cultural values and norms. Breastfeeding might be considered a taboo in one country, which leads to children growing up with weakened bodies. Sharing the same plate is very common among some households, and if the same is done with a sick person with a contagious disease like measles, the illness might spread to other family members.


Internal Problems:

Stomach and intestine related problems such as gastritis or a worm infection can decrease the amount of nutrients absorbed. If you feel an unwonted movement around your stomach, get an appointment with your doctor immediately.


Malnutrition can be fatal, therefore, it is important not only for us to eat an optimum amount of calories, but also a nutrient rich diet to make sure that the calories are actually beneficial.


Did you or someone you know suffer from malnutrition? What were the causes? Let us know in the comments below.


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