Cancer And Honey

Did you know that cancer and honey has inverse relation?

Honey and Cancer

We know that honey is a viscous, sweet food made by honey bees. It is collected from the sugary secretion plants, and also from the secretion of insect. They use some enzymatic activities, regurgitation and water evaporation for producing honey and store it in a wax structures known as honeycombs.

is considered to be the healthy sustainable food produced naturally and is cure to many disease as there are so many diseases which are very chronic and we are suffering from it but cancer is the top most problems from many years. Many experiments were conducted on cancer and the experts reach on such results.

They found, that the main reason in the increasing cases of cancer is our unbalance diet, depression and no exercise etc. They also find the main cure for cancer which is easily available everywhere. This cure is not anything else, but Honey it contains many properties like anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and improves immune system.

It also contains many beneficial properties which we have discussed below in the article. The main beneficial health character of honey is that; it
is used as cure for cancer. Thus honey and cancer has inverse relation. If we use honey in our daily lives the chance of cancer is decreases, but if we decrease the use of honey in our diet may be the chances of cancer increases.



                        Composition of honey 

What is the Composition of honey


  The global epidemic burden

Cancer is a huge group of diseases start in almost any organ or tissue of the body. Cancer means when the cell grows abnormally, uncontrollably and goes beyond their boundaries. Then they start to invade the adjoining parts of the body to spread to other organs. Thus the process of metastasizing is a major cause of death from cancer. The other common names of cancer are neoplasm and malignant tumor.

What is the ratio of Cancer Globally?

Globally Cancer is known as the second leading cause of death. There are many types of cancer but colorectal, stomach, Lung, prostate, breast, cervical, thyroid and liver cancer are the most common types of cancer. Some types of cancer like lung, cervical, breast, colorectal, and thyroid cancer are most common in women while the remaining are common in men.


According to the research the estimated death rates from cancer is about 9.6 millions or one out of six deaths are occur due to cancer. This global burden of cancer grows continuously every year. These global burdens leave the tremendous physical, emotional and financial stress on health system. It also leaves a physical and emotional strain on the families, communities and individual.


The health systems in low- and middle-income countries are not prepared to manage this tremendous burden. In such countries the patients do not have access to timely quality diagnosis and proper treatment. While in those countries where the health systems are stronger, the survival rates of many patients are greater.


This is because of quality treatment early detection and survivorship care. This global epidemic burden can be controllably up to 30%-50%by avoiding the key risk factor of cancer. These key risky factors lead us to death.


The key risky factors of cancer

What are the Risky factors of cancer

1.35% risks of cancer are due to Obesity/ Physical Inactivity/or diabetes


We know that the main and common factors of cancer are obesity which leads us toward many diseases like diabetic and heart disease. It occurs in human due to the lake of physical inactiveness and these diseases are linked with each others.


The diagram show the key factor of cancer and its percentage that why and how obesity/lack of physical activities/or diabetes increase the risk of cancer by 35%.


1. Obesity

Obese or overweight is clearly linked with increased risk of cancer. Many research on cancer in American Cancer Society show that bodyweight of the people are thought to be responsible for cancer. They thought that 11%is responsible in women, 5%of cancer in men and about 7% of all the cancer death is occurred due to overweight. Many research show that Obesity is clearly linked with an increasing risk of many types of cancer such as.

Cancer types

        1. Gallbladder cancer                              9.Esophagus cancer

         2. Kidney cancer                                    10. Pancreas cancer

3. Liver cancer                                     11.Thyroid cancer

4. Ovarian cancer                                 12.Stomach cancer

5. Multiple myeloma                            13. Male breast cancer

6. Colon and rectal cancer                   14.Breast cancer

7. Meningioma                                     15.Endometrial cancer

8. Cancers of the mouth,                     16.Non-Hodgkin lymphoma

  Throat and voice box



2. No physical activity

Physical activities means running, dancing, biking, walking, and swimming. It is also known as the use of skeletal muscles which requires more energy than resting. Physical activities also include exercising, performing household chores, and engaging in sports activities.

Observational studies show that the higher physical activities lead us to lower the risk of cancer. This result comes from the cancer patients which are being observed from many years. When they do higher physical activates they have less chance of cancer as compared to the person who don’t do any physical activity.

Not only the observational study gives this evidence but these reports are collected from several studies in different population. They give the same results in different type of cancer by showing that higher levels of physical activity are linked to lower risk in the cancer types.

Bladder cancer:

Different studies show that the risk of bladder cancer was 15% lower in the person with the highest level of occupational physical activity compare to non physical occupational person.

Brest cancer:

Many studies shown that physical active woman has 12–21% lower risk of breast cancer than those who were least physically active. This risk is also decreases in the physical active women after menopause as compared to those women who do not.


Colon cancer: 

A study in 2016 show that a person engaged in the high level of physical activity had almost19% lower risk of colon cancer as compared to those, who were the least physically active person and high physical activities lower the risk of many cancer types such as

1. Endometrial cancer (20%)

2. Esophageal cancer (21%)

3. Kidney (renal cell) cancer (23%)

4. Stomach (gastric) cancer (19%)


3. Diabetes

Diabetes is responsible for increasing the risk of cancer. It is due to some share risk factor between cancer and diabetes such as obesity, diet, aging and physical inactivity. Due to these factors type 2 diabetes increases the risk of some cancer types such as


1. Liver cancer

2. Bladder cancer

3. Pancreas cancer

4. Brest cancer

5. Rectum cancer

6. Colon cancer

7. Endometrial cancer



2.30% cancer is caused by Tobacco use:

Studies show that tobacco is the main risk of several types of cancer in a body. It is concluded that 30% of cancer is spread in the body due to tobacco use. We thought that only lung cancer is caused by the use of tobacco products like cigarettes and cigars. It is true that nine out of every ten cases of lung cancer are caused by tobacco. But it also cause many types of cancer almost anywhere in the body including


1. Colon and rectum                                         7.Cervix

2. Blood (acute myeloid leukemia)                  8.Stomach

3. Mouth and throat                                          9. Bladder

4. Voice box (larynx)                                       10.Pancreas

5. Kidney and renal pelvis                               11.Liver

6. Lungs, bronchi, and trachea                        12.Esophagus


Cancer Can be caused by Tobacco?


3. Chemical carcinogens and others factors cause 15% cancer:


It is something which causes you to have cancer. Carcinogen may be a substance in air, may be a chemical in food, drinks, or a product we use. It does not mean that you'll get cancer just because of you have a contact with carcinogen. It is because of some chemical hazardous substances which increase the risk of cancer.


 Some well known carcinogens are nickel, cadmium, radon vinyl chloride, asbestos, and benzene. It increases the risk of cancer damaging DNA directly in cells, or by altering cellular metabolism. These carcinogen may be interferes with biological processes, for inducing the uncontrolled, malignant division of the cell which leads to the formation of cancers.


Molecular biology of carcinogenesis

Studies show that carcinogenesis is the results of one or due to the combination of genetic, biological, physical or chemical damage to cell. Carcinogenesis is a step by step process which consists of three main steps: initiation, promotion, and progression.


1. Initiation

The first step in the process of carcinogenesis is initiation stage in this stage results from an irreversible genetic alteration, in which one or more simple mutation occur. It may also occur due to the transitions, transversion, and/or small deletions in DNA.


2. Promotion

Promotion is that step which is not involve in changing the structure of DNA. Promotion is the 2nd reversible stage; in the expression of genome it is mediated through promoter-receptor interactions.


3. Progression

The final step in carcinogenesis is progression. It is the irreversible stage which is by malignant growth and karyotypic instability. Some critical molecular targets which are found during carcinogenesis are cellular oncogenes, proto-oncogenes, and tumor suppressor genes.


Progression is the only stage in which alterations in both alleles of the latter being found. Thus in this stage many critical target genes have been identified but a large number of characteristics of molecular alterations, which define that neoplasia have not been clearly elucidated.

What is Carcinogenesis?

4. Environmental and occupational factors cause 10% cancer

Agricultural Health Study suggests that most of the cancers may be linked to a variety of pesticides in our environment. Many research found that 90%of cancer cases are caused due to by lifestyle and environmental factors. In all these factors tobacco is the most important preventable cause of cancer.

Here the main responsible factor for cancer is geophysical factors and also all aspects of diet: contributing to increase the cancer rates. Some others environmental exposure also damage DNA and cause cancer.

This exposure may be tobacco smoke, or radiation, such as ultraviolet rays from the sun. Both environmental and Occupational factors cause a high proportion of all cancers types such as:

Breast cancer is caused from exposure to the pesticide known as “DDT”.

Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma is caused due to pesticides and solvents.

Lung cancer from exposure to air pollution.

Prostate cancer from exposure to pesticides and metal working fluids or mineral oils.

Leukemia from exposure to 1, 3-butadiene.


5. Infection cause 7% cancer

Infections play a main role in cancer spreads. Infection from bacteria, viruses and parasites act as a risk factors for several type of cancer. Study in 2013 show that 7% of cancer spreads due to infection. But nowadays worldwide it is 15% to 20% cancer is linked with infections. These percentages are higher in developing countries, lower in other developed countries and in United States. These Infections can increase a person’s risk of cancer in different ways such as:

1. Some viruses directly affect the genes inside cells and insert their own genes to grow the cell out of control.


2. Some infections can cause long-term inflammation in a body which led to make changes in the immune cells and these changes lead to cancer.


Here are large numbers of microorganisms which cause cancer. Some of these micro organisms are viruses while others are bacteria.



Cancer causing viruses

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) cause nasopharyngeal carcinomas.

Hepatitis B viruses cause liver cancers.

Human papilloma virus cause cervical and other squamous cancers.


Cancer causing bacteria

Helicobacter pylori infections cause stomach cancer.

Schistosoma haematobium cause carcinoma of the urinary bladder.

Chronic typhoid carrier cause gall bladder cancer.

Chronic fungi infections have also been associated with cancer spread.

Ureaplasma urealyticum cause prostate cancer.

Clonorchis sinensis cause cholangio carcinoma and hepatocellular carcinoma.



6. Overuse of alcohol cause 3% cancer

   Side effects of Overusing alcohol

Drinking alcohol increases the risk of cancer because it is not good for our health. When we drink alcohol; our body in stem cell breaks it down with the help of ADH enzyme into a chemical called acetaldehyde. Acetaldehyde is a toxic chemical, it allowed in a cell to build up chromosomes rearrangements and damage DNA.


These prevent our body from repairing the damage DNA. We know that DNA control the normal cell growth and “instruction manual” function of the cell. But when DNA become damaged; he stop his functions and start growing out of control which create a cancer tumor.

Alcoholic drinks such as beer, red and white wine, cocktails and liquor cause 7 chronic types of cancer in our body. Drinking any type of alcohol increases the risk of some cancers such as:

1. Mouth

2. Upper throat cancer

3. Larynx cancer

4. Esophagus cancer

5. Brest cancer in women

6. Liver cancer

7. Colon and rectum cancer or bowel cancer



Cancer and honey has inverse relation

 Can Honey Help me in case  of Cancer?

Here is the question why honey is useful against cancer? There are hundreds of reason to answer this question because honey contains those properties which is helpful in reducing and controlling the increasing rate of cancers. For centuries honey is famous for its medicinal and health-promoting properties.

Nowadays cancer becomes the global epidemic burden which is increasing rapidly day by day. Experts try their best to find the suitable cure for decreasing cancer. They have done different experiments on honey and cancer and concluded that honey and cancer has inverse relation due to some health beneficial properties which is used against cancer.


Properties of Honey

1. Honey has high Antioxidant

Honey is useful in raising the level of disease fighting antioxidant in the blood. Honey contains the powerful antioxidant such as polyphenols which reducing the risk of cancer. We know that antioxidants are those compounds which inhibit oxidation. Some antioxidant such as ascorbic acid or thiols terminates the chain reaction in the cell which is damage due to oxidation.

Oxidation is that chemical reaction which is responsible for producing free radicals, which damage the cells of organisms by leading it to chain reactions. Honey contains various types of phytochemicals with high phenolic and flavonoid content.

These content contribute to high antioxidant activities and prevent the development of cancer as free radicals. We know that oxidative stress play a main role in the formation of cancers. Variants of polyphenols in honey contain antiproliferative property which is helpful against several types of cancer.


2. Honey is a scavenging agent for toxic free radicals

Studies show the well established role of oxidative stress involving the free radicals in the carcinogenic process. We know the oxidative stress agents such as Reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS) such as hydroxyl radical (OH) nitric oxide (NO), peroxynitrite (ONOO), superoxide, and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2).

These agents damage protein, lipid and DNA in the cell. The cell contains the defense system against oxidative stress. This system composed of oxidative agents such as superoxide dismutase, peroxidase, ascorbic acid, tocopherol, catalase, and polyphenols. Here the antioxidant act as a free radical scavengers and inhibit the cancer process.

The antioxidant mechanism is proposed through free radical sequestration, metallic ion chelation, hydrogen donation, flavonoids substrates for hydroxyl and superoxide radical actions. The antioxidant capacity of honey contributes to the prevention of cancer and many other chronic diseases. In honey phenolic acids and flavonoids are responsible for the well-established antioxidant property of honey.


3. Honey as natural microbial

Honey is famous as a potent natural antimicrobial. We were exposing daily to all kinds of bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi. These create bad effects on our health. We are aware from the fact that honey has healing property due to this fact it also offer antibacterial activity.

The high viscosity property of honey provide a protective barrier to prevent wound from infection, thus honey maintain a moist condition for infected area in a body. Honey contains the immunomodulatory property to repair the wound too.

Studies show that the antimicrobial activity in honeys is due to the enzymatic production of hydrogen peroxide. The common infections which humans get are from staphylococcal infection. Studies show that Honey is also very effective against coagulase-negative staphylococci.

The Antimicrobial property of honey is stronger in acidic media than in alkaline or neutral media. Another antibacterial application of honey is to reduce the redness, pus discharge, swelling, and time for eradication of infections.


4. Honey as a natural immune booster

Honey act as a natural immune booster due to the fact that it stimulates inflammatory cytokine production from monocytes. Honey also helps in stimulating cytokine production from immune cells via TLR4 (Toll-like receptor 4). It is a protein which is encoded by gene TLR4 in human. It belongs to the pattern recognition receptor family because it is the member of the toll-like receptor family.

Studies show that honey contains a natural immune builder system with anti-bacterial, antioxidant, and anti-tumor properties. Honey stimulates the production of antibodies during primary and secondary immune responses against (TD antigen) and (TI antigen).

Thymus-dependent (TD) is an immunogen which requires the cooperation of T cell with B cells for the production of specific antibodies. While Thymus-independent (TI) is an immunogen which stimulate B cells for the production of antibodies and do not requires the cooperation of T cells. Thus due to these reasons many studies suggested that daily consumption of honey improves immune system.


5. Honey as a natural anti-inflammatory agents

Many studies show that honey contain anti-inflammatory properties. Sometimes in everyday routine life we may injure our cells by irritants from outside or within our bodies. These injuries results in the formation of inflammation in our body parts. Our bodies have a defense mechanisms system which was trying to get rid of these irritants.

Sometimes inflammatory responses are beneficial and protective for our body but sometimes the long lasting inflammatory responses are detrimental to health. Honey contains many properties and it is famous as a natural, potent anti-inflammatory agent for irritants and inflammation.

Honey mixture containing olive oil and beeswax is good for infants who are suffering from diapers dermatitis. Honey provides a relief from cough in children with an upper respiratory tract infection. Honey is also useful for amelioration of ultraviolet-induced inflammation of the skin. It is helpful in reducing the oxidative stress on the eyes.


6. Honey act as a fixer for chronic ulcers and wounds

Nowadays simple wounds become chronic due to the increasing number of antibiotic bacteria. For these chronic and non-healing wounds honey provide an alternative treatment options for such wounds. The exudates released in wounds are absorbed by honey and thus devitalized tissue.

Honey also improve and heals the wounds in patients with venous leg ulcers. Honey increasing the healing rate of wounds due to stimulation of granulation, angiogenesis, and epithelialization. These give the excellent cosmetic results and make the unnecessary skin grafting for wounds.

It is very effective in recalcitrant surgical wounds to heal faster. We know that honey is acidic and the non-healing chronic wounds have elevated alkaline environment. That’s why we can say that honey act as a fixer for chronic ulcers and wounds.


7. Honey has a potential cancer therapeutic agent

Many studies on honey showed that it has significant anticancer activity on human, oral, cervical, breast and osteosarcoma cancer cell. We know that Flavanoids create a lot of interests among researchers due to its anticancer properties and honey is rich from flavonoids. That’s why it is used for cancer treatment agent.

From this article we concluded that honey act as natural cancer vaccine due to its properties which we discussed above. It acts as a natural cancer vaccine due to reducing inflammatory processes, infections by microorganisms and improving immune status.

Honey consist of some polyphenols such as acacetin (AC), pinocembrin (PC), pinobanksin (PB), galangin (GA), caffeic acid phenyl esters (CAPE), caffeic acid (CA), chrysin (CR), quercetin (QU), kaempferol (KP), and apigenin (AP). All the polyphenols which is found in honey act as promising pharmacological agents in prevention and treatment of cancer. Therefore we can say that honey and cancer has an inverse relation due to all these facts.


                                    Organic Honey By; Infinity Organic Food 



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