Unexpected Uses of Organic Honey

 Did you know the unexpected uses of organic honey?


Organic Honey

Organic honey is produced from the pollens of those plants which are grown organically without to treat the bees with Miticide. Organic honey ensures us that we are avoiding the contact of pesticide sprayed on the plants which are visited by the honeybees. We know that usually bees fly up to 2 miles from the hive looking for flowers.

Organic Honey

It means that all the flowers within this radius must be organically certified to ensure that the honey is truly organic honey. We think that this is very difficult to control, but organic certification ensures us by taking special care of the apiary.


So we get the pure organic honey through this process which is very beneficial and healthy. It give us many benefits regarding health, Here we discuss the unexpected uses of organic honey because it gives many benefits to our body which we can’t aspect from honey.




Honey is famous as a natural treatment for many diseases. It contains the property to cure many diseases, whenever you are suffering from sore throat or cough problems, nature offer you the best, tastiest salves i.e. honey.


The first beekeeping records are back to 2400 B.C in Cairo as it is famous from the ancient time. Many cultures around the world are fallen for the sweet substance such as the Greeks, the Romans, the Egyptians, and the Chinese. All of these people use honey as a medicine and also in the kitchen.


Honey is made up of 70-80% sugar, the remaining amount consist of water, mineral and protein. Honey is used to alleviate allergies and to treat sore throat and it is not only used as a sweetener but it also has so many other uses in our daily life.

Organic HoneyHoney Health Benefits

1. Cancer

We know that honey is famous for its antioxidant properties, which prevent us from cancer or treat cancer. A study from Iran in 2011 looked at the effects of honey on the renal cell carcinoma (a type of kidney cancer). They found that honey is very effective in stopping cancer cell from multiplying.


Thus the researcher found that honey has anticancer effects and can be used for the treatment of cancer.


The anticancer effects of honey are done through the interferences with multiple cell-signaling pathways. These pathways consist of antiproliferative( tending to inhibit cell growth), anti-inflammatory, apoptosis(A type of cell death), and antimutagenic.



2. Diabetes

We know that honey contain a low glycemic index as compared to sugar. This means that it would not spike the sugar level in blood like the sugar do. Honey is sweeter than sugar thus we can use the little amount of sweetener in our food and this property make the honey a best option then sugar.


Many researcher shows that swapping honey in place of pure sugar is an effective way to keep steady the blood sugar levels. We know that people with diabetic avoided from all those foods which contain sugar because it is not good for them.


Some experts say that it’s ok to use a little amount of honey as a sweetener in your healthy diet. But here the important point is, if you are taking insulin, you must talk to your diabetes doctor, to figure out how much amount of honey is safer for your health.



3. Burns

Honey has been used from several years as salve to heal the burns and prevents us from infection of wounds. Studies show that it has a unique property of reducing the burn healing time.


Honey is famous for the faster healing and reducing inflammation property. Honey was used as cure from thousands of years ago when there was not a proper medicine for the burns so they used this homemade remedy for healing of wounds and burns.


Honey makes the wounds sterile in less time as compared to silver sulfadiazene dressing for burns. Honey has more power of enhancing the healing of wounds. Honey doesn’t leave much scarring of wounds as compared to the other treatments.



4. Memory

As we already said that honey is a cure for many diseases. It is cure for internal and external body parts, sometimes it is good for external injuries but sometimes it is good for internal treatments.


Today most of the people are not getting the proper nutrient in food which our body needs and that is why we suffer from many diseases. We see that many women’s are suffering from some problems like menopausal (when menstrual cycles permanently cease) and postmenopausal (the time after going through menopause). Such problems affect the memory of the women.


A study shows that honey can improve the short- and long-term memory, which is specially found in menopausal and postmenopausal women. When honey was given as a treatment to such women for several weeks they gave the best results in few weeks.


There is a great improvement in the memory of those women, which is treated by honey as compared to those which do the hormone therapy of estrogen and progestin. Thus honey is also used as a treatment for immediate improvement in memory.



5. Fertility

Many studies showed that honey has been lauded for the potential boost of fertility in male and female.  The ancient knowledge has suggested that honey is a good option for fertility in both male and female.


They suggested the raw honey because it contains beneficial pollen, and all the nutrients intact which are needed for fertility. A study on rats in Nigeria in 2013 showed that, the honey increases the sperm count in male rats.


Because honey is rich from Vitamins, amino acids, iron, calcium and minerals. We know that honey is nutritional rich food, thus it improves the function of reproductive organ in male and female.



6. Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a common skin problem condition found in male and female and this skin problem start at any age. Psoriasis causes redness, itching, blisters, and even lesions in our body. This patches appears anywhere in our body but normally occurs on knees, scalp elbows, and lower back.


Sometimes these patches are small, itchy and mostly found in adults under the age of 35 years. Research showed that around 2%of people in UK affected by sore psoriasis. Psoriasis is a skin problem which varies from one person to another.


Sometimes it is a minor irritation for some people but, sometimes it affects the person chronically for very long period. Usually this is treated with topical creams, which contain corticosteroids or vitamin D. But the more effective cure is Honey for Psoriasis.


Many studies show that a mixture of honey, olive oil, and beeswax experienced a reduction in redness, scaling, and itching. All these ingredients are more participative with psoriasis in reducing the scaling, itching and redness.



7. Wounds and ulcers

Honey is a type of natural product which is introduced in the modern medical practices. Experts investigated that honey contain the antibacterial and wound healing properties. Some clinical trials shows that honey contain the ability to sterilize the infected wounds.


A studies show that honey contains the healing properties such as enhanced epithelialization, stimulation of tissue growth, and minimized scar formation. Thus it helps us in healing Ulcers and burns which are the challenging wounds.


This information encourages the use of honey as a natural and safe wound healer. Honey is used from centuries to dress the wounds because it sterilize wounds, promote healing, reduce pain, odor and wound size. It is used as a healing agent after surgery from burns. Thus honey is used as healing agents for wounds and ulcers.




8. Herpes

As we know that herpes is a type of infection which comes from the simplex virus. Currently there is no cure for herpes but some home remedies like using honey is very helpful in relieving the symptoms and itchiness. The sores on the skin are the symptoms of herpes and it typically infect the mouth, genitals, and anal area.


Herpes simplex has two type of viruses HSV-1(herpes simplex virus 1), HSV-2(and herpes simplex virus 2). Only HSV-1 causes oral herpes while genital herpes caused by both viruses. Many studies show that honey is very effective in treating herpes viruses and heal the sores in few days.


A research on herpes in Dubai shows that honey is very effective for oral and genital herpes. It is an effective topical treatment for both herpes because honey can heal the lesions from herpes as quickly as ointments can’t do. Honey is also good for the reduction of itchiness.



9. Gum diseases

We know that honey contain the antibacterial property thus it helps us in healing and treating wounds. Some teeth and gums problems occur in peoples like bleeding gingivitis, and plaque. All these problems are treated with the regular use of honey in our diet.


We know that honey release antiseptic hydrogen peroxide, which work as an anti-microbial agent and helpful in preventing the growth of bacteria. Many health experts give advices that use the mixture of honey and water as mouthwash to prevent from gum diseases.


A study shows that rubbing honey directly on the affected gums give a relief from gum pain, also give a relief from inflammation and other periodontal diseases.



10. Eczema diseases

It is a discomfort skin condition that causes itchy, flaky red skin. Usually, young children and teenagers suffer from this skin problem known as eczema.


Many experts said that a mixture of honey and olive oil applying on the skin is the best to get rid of this skin problem. Because honey is used as a natural cleanser, remove dirt from wounds, make the skin soft and smooth.


Honey is also used as exfoliation of the skin in order to remove dead cells by mixing it with oats. If we use honey regularly it will prevent us from occurring or coming back eczema again.

Organic Hunter Honey


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