
Healthy Eating Secrets

    Do you think eating healthy means you have to radically change your diet, or strictly limitation gives up all your favorite foods? It could be as easy to improve your wellbeing as going from white to organic whole wheat bread, use organic coffee than non-organic, preparing a tea drink without milk or adding an organic skim milk instead of non-organic full cream milk. It can add up to great health benefits to make small changes to your diet. The best description of a healthy diet should not about strictly limitation, but should be to replace processed food with unprocessed and non-organic replace with organic whenever possible. Eating food that is as close as possible to the way natural made. It can lead us to the huge benefits.  THE BASIC OF HEALTHY EATING The Basic of healthy eating is  a balance of protein, fat, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, and minerals in our daily diets. We don’t need to eliminate certain food from our diet, but we need to select the healthiest options. PRO

Can Lentils and Beans Replace Meat Permanently?

   Can Lentils and Beans Replace Meat Permanently? A recent plummet in the trend of consumption of meat can be observed all around; with people shifting their meal plans from animal-based proteins to plant-based proteins. With this current trend of meat reduction, a well-raised question also comes in mind: can lentil and beans replace meat permanently?   Meat Consumption: Meat is a great source of minerals, proteins and nutrients that are essential to a healthy diet and lifestyle, but a lot of people deem it unhealthy and unnecessary, not to mention—unethical. While a few studies have linked meat consumptions with an increased risk of health issues, other proved it to be neutral and even beneficial for bone health, metabolism and mineral absorption. However, improperly cooked and processed meat can have negative effects on health.   Objection: The objection to meat consumption is the killing and breeding of animals just for food. Most of the farms are industrialized with less natural

Intermittent Fasting

    Globally, trend of doing intermittent fasting (IF) nowadays is increasing to improve health and body fitness. Mostly, to lose weight and to simplify their lifestyle, people use this technique. Studies show that it leaves powerful impacts on the body as well as brain of people which can help them to have longer life span. What is intermittent fasting?   It’s not a diet, rather it can be define as a timed-approach to eating. It has some benefits on health as: it helps in losing weight but vary from person to person. Sometimes, this term is confused with fasting but it is completely different from that. It has no standard duration like of fasting. Whenever you’re in the state of not eating, you’re doing intermittent fasting. For instance, when you don’t eat anything after dinner till breakfast, about 10-12 hours. So, you can take intermittent fasting as part of your routine life. At its roots, it is a technique which instead of taking more food for energy, let your body to use stored

Vegetarian or Vegetarianism

  Vegetarian or Vegetarianism   Vegetarian  or  Vegetarianism  is the practice of strictly Prohibition  from the consumption of meat, including by-products of animal slaughter. Vegetarianism usually adopted for various reasons included; eating meat out of respect for sentient life, religion is one of them, because vegetarianism is mandatory for everyone in some religions and also health Issues.   How does becoming a vegetarian affect a human body? Becoming a vegetarian! can be a fulfilling experience, but is it healthy? While vegetarians might be at a lower risk of kidney stones, high cholesterol, heart and liver diseases, they might end up with nutritional deficiencies; the kind that only non-vegetarian food can cure. Before we get into the effects of vegetarianism, let us first answer the most important question: Were we made to eat meat?   Is Eating Meat In Our DNA? People are very passionate about what they eat. Some choose not to eat meat due to ethical or health concerns while ot


   MALNUTRITION Causes of malnutrition Malnutrition is the lack of adequate nutrients in a person's diet that may lead to fatigue, anaemia, brain fog and so on. This is a very serious condition which may be induced by an improper diet that does not meet the daily nutritional requirements or an internal problem related to nutrient absorption. Its symptoms include unplanned weight loss, irritability, brittle nails, dizziness, persistent diarrhoea and delayed wound healing. Read on to see, what causes malnutrition?     Physical Problems: Lesions and painful teeth can create difficulty in eating while dysphagia is the difficulty in swallowing. All of these contribute to an uncomfortable eating experience which discourages the patient to eat enough. Improperly chewed food is also harder to digest, lowering the absorption efficiency. Moreover, people suffering from physical problems may replace nutrient rich food with softer items to decrease their pain. Thus, they get too much of one nu

What is Coronavirus or COVID-19?

   What is coronavirus or COVID- 19 ? Coronaviruses are the viruses that are related to animals, but with a time it is transmitted between animals and people. Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses that cause illness include common cold to more severe diseases like, (MERS-CoV) and (SARS-CoV). And these are like all living things, Viruses change and grow continuously. The new coronavirus called novel coronavirus “which is reason of current outbreak of COVID-19 disease.” that has not been previously identified in humans.               Coronaviruses viruses were discovered in the early 1960. The first ones discovered were in chickens and two from human body. In chicken they infectious bronchitis virus and in human body, founded in nasal cavities with common cold. Coronaviruses are Zoonotic! This are the viruses that can be usually transmitted from animals to people or, more the disease that normally exists in animals but that can infect humans also. The deeply investigations fo